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Something Spooky was going on. I changed the Index page because I found a script that shouldn't be there. How did it get there? I don't know, but my guess would be a bitter little gnome put it there...*grin*
Added a message board to the MMSM Pages.
Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving and is enjoying the snow that was dumped on us this morning :o)
'Tis the season for the GhostHunter to take it a bit slower (Isn't it spring yet!!??)so for now we won't be doing too many investigations, unless we are contacted to investigate a home.
We do plan on going back to Mansfield in 2003, so anyone that is interested in going with us, give us a holler and we will send you the info on how to sign up for their Tours/Hunts.
Added some New Links to the Links Page and finally put up the Site Award we received from IGHS back in June of this Year!
Wooohooo, we are starting to catch up again! Added the Pictures of our October 5th Investigation!!! See them HERE !!! One little note: On the Pages it says 10/06/02, but the hunt was actually on the 5th of October, but no biggie..:)
Made a couple of minor Changes to the Front Page (took java script cursor off and added the Link to the Paranormal Webring we joined).
Still have to call back the Gentleman from Twp. to set a date to meet him.
Got in contact with the Twp. the cemetery we want to restore is located at. We are expecting a call tomorrow.
Made a slight change to the "???Ghosts???" Page.
Added 9/07/02 Investigation Page .
Attending the Felt Mansion Tour tomorrow!!
Happy Birthday Lisa!!! :)
Updated the Investigations Page.
Added RUBY .
Happy Birthday To Me!!!
We've been busy to say the least! Hopefully this weekend we will step it up just a notch and get some more pictures posted!! *hope* *hope*
Two weekends ago we took a little road trip and met up with WMGHS . They are a great bunch of people! We went on two investigations with them. Pictures coming soon!! *hope* *hope*
Moving the Pictures Pages to a New Site. If some pages seem to dissappear, don't worry, they will be back soon.
Planning on adding a 'Suggested Reading" List Page soon.
WOOOHOOO!!! It's almost 9:00 PM on Sunday and we updated some of our Pages. Check out
- Last Nights Investigation
- Our Trip to Western Michigan